How Long Can A Breast Cancer Live PLEASE Tell Me How Long Can A Person Affected By Breast Cancer Live?

PLEASE tell me how long can a person affected by breast cancer live? - how long can a breast cancer live

my relatives about 50-51 years, recently came to know that she has breast cancer ...
She Got It erased, but still do not know how long I would live with drugs!
I do not know that cancer stage, the level /.
Please tell me if it is normal now, or how many years / months I'm going to live?


Jeniv the Brit said...

Essay tests will determine the size and location of the tumor and whether it has spread. They help the doctor determine the best treatment for you. Cancer is a montage of numbers from 0 to IV

Stage 0 cancers are also called non-invasive or) in situ (on site of cancer. Although it the ability to have spread to other parts of the body or the invasion of normal breast tissue, it is important to remove, and eventually may lead to invasive cancer. Detection and treatment of cancerous tumors at this time offers the best chance of recovery.

Cancer stage I to IV are invasive tumors, the ability to have on other areas. A phase I cancer is small and well located and has a very successful treatment assessed. However, comes the highraising the number of storeys, the probability of cure. In stage IV, cancer has spread through the breast to other organs such as bone, lung or liver. While it may not be possible to eliminate the cancer at this time, it can be distributed with radiotherapy, chemotherapy or both are controlled.

Sanjay K said...

If the cancerous tissue was completely removed there is nothing to fear, the person can live a normal life everywhere. Medicines should not continue for some time to kill the remaining cancer cells when used in the body. The stage of cancer is also useful, so we know the outcome. tell him to be positive and have a strong desire for power, will be totally fine. Do not discuss the problem with his cancer, because it can lead to more pressure on him, and it will damage your health.

Anonymous said...

In our lives, we suffer a lot .. We went through several tests, which led to the resignation. Sometimes we think that life is so unfair because of the barriers that we assumed. We have fought to survive, but if it goes wrong and everything is gone, we can find someone to blame and ask, "Why me?" .. But things are not only compatible, things may come and go, if not today, tomorrow or never. But we have to appreciate what comes our way, look into the past can guide us to take a new and better ways to ..

"Every problem has a gift inside. We are looking for problems, because they want their donations.

Frau said...

When cancer cells are effectively removed, then you can lead a normal life. However, cancer can return in this case once treatment is required.

Still depends on the health is and how quickly the cancer was detected in any treatment group.

Lucifer's Kitty said...

It really depends on the stage and how the person is healthy. My grandmother had cancer of Brest after years of treatment and hasen't been returned. He is 70 and for over 30 years.

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