Black Semen Why Can Black Lights Spot Semen Stains?

Why can black lights spot semen stains? - black semen

Why is it possible to see a piece of fabric under a black light and semen stains on the spot? And who has the same success if it is considered a surface such as wood or tile?


Archange... said...

Stains, semen is not only well, they attract many, and is black, because the light used UV light, the light is not visible to the eye, as she calls it, "black light" to a lighter color around the display is much brighter, and yes, it works in wood and brick, and almost all surfaces, UV strongly emphasized the contrast so you can get almost everything on the surface of something.

Archange... said...

Stains, semen is not only well, they attract many, and is black, because the light used UV light, the light is not visible to the eye, as she calls it, "black light" to a lighter color around the display is much brighter, and yes, it works in wood and brick, and almost all surfaces, UV strongly emphasized the contrast so you can get almost everything on the surface of something.

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