What Is Bowel Infection Is It Possible To Get A Bowel Infection From Doing Enemas? Sorry About The Gross Details.?

Is it possible to get a bowel infection from doing enemas? Sorry about the gross details.? - what is bowel infection

I used to do a lot of hot water enemas too, because of problems w / chronic constipation, and I wonder whether you have a bowel infection or other type of infection, they can get? I ask this because I noticed the smell is persistent (smells like stool or flatulence), despite daily washing with antibacterial soap and sometimes also the opinion of gelatin after discharge on toilet paper had a BM. I know it's really very unpleasant. Sorry, but it's really embarrassing to talk to someone face to face for him. I'm embarrassed to ask a doctor. I am currently pregnant and I do not know whether I should ask my gynecologist for him. I do not even know if I is for him or could not prescribe. Or should I go a gastrointerologist you or something. Can anyone advise. Again, sorry for the gross details.


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